In this article, we share a comprehensive guide to growing Spinach at home.
Quick Guide Information
Common Name: Spinach
Scientific Name: Spinacia oleracea
Family: Amaranthaceae
Plant Type: Leafy Green
Life Span: Annual
Time Till Harvest: 70-90 Days
Light Requirement: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Optimum pH: 6.0 - 7.0
Spinach is a favorite leafy green that is an excellent addition to the garden. It is great raw in salads and excellent in numerous cooked delights. It’s easy to grow and does excellent in spring and fall when temperatures are cooler.
Spinach is propagated by seed easily and grows quickly. Seeds should be planted in well-draining soil that has been amended with compost. Keep in partial shade for 2-3 weeks after germination then move into its place in your garden. Space plants 20-25 cm apart.
Planting and Maintenance
Spinach doesn’t really require much maintenance and is ready to harvest after about 6 weeks. Spinach does best in cool weather and may bolt in excessively hot climates. If you're planting late in the season, consider planting in partial shade, otherwise they do great in full sun. It is best to be careful when watering spinach to avoid splashing dirt on the foliage or excessively wetting leaves. After about 6 weeks you can begin harvesting spinach. Some gardeners do drastic harvests, leaving only the centre growth points, then letting it regrow for 3-4 weeks. It is important to harvest from your plants to prevent disease and pests.
Common Problems
+ If the weather gets hot Spinach tends to bolt and begin flowering. Providing extra shade on hot days can help prevent this, or at least extend the life of the plant. At this point your plant will lose vigor and no longer be investing in vegetative growth. You can do a final harvest and remove the plant. Alternatively, leave the foliage and wait to harvest seeds.
+ Aphids are not uncommon on spinach plants. These can be treated with soapy water or other homemade natural pest repellents. Remove excessively infected foliage.
+ If your leaves are discolored or exhibiting signs of disease it is best to remove them from the plant. These issues can be caused from excessive moisture, excessive heat, or lack of harvesting.